Trust Must Be Earned Continually

The quote below is from Launching a Leadership Revolution by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward:

“A critical pre-supposition all leaders must realize is that followers buy into the leader before anything else. The vision may be compelling, but is the leader worth following? The rewards may be inspiring, but can the leader be trusted? The environment may be inviting but does the leader care about his or her people? The resources may be enormous, but does the leader know what he or she is doing? These are the qualifying questions followers ask subconsciously before giving permission to be led. Leadership is not a position or title; it is a condition of permission given by followers once they buy into the leader. (bold and italics are mine) Leadership influence, like trust, must be earned and earned continually.” (p. 186,187)

WOW! Do you see the bones underneath this? Note the key points from the quote above:

Can the leader be trusted?
Is the leader worth following?
Does the leader care about his or her people?
Does the leader know what he or she is doing?

It all boils down to the leader. Assuming there is a compelling vision, with inspiring rewards, a great environment, and tremendous resources, it is still the Leader who is the key. Do you believe the leader can realize the vision and fulfill the promises inherent in that vision?

The last two words of that quote are the downfall of many who have talent, charisma, and knowledge; trust must be earned continually!!! All of life can be reduced to relationships. It is in the quality of our relationships that trust is developed and credibility established. In our relationships that we gauge the passion and commitment of our leaders to their vision and measure ourselves against those goals.