Cultivating a Sense of Appreciation

You might appreciate it when someone slows down and lets you turn into traffic. You might appreciate it when the check-out clerk actually smiles and is pleasant when you go through the line. You might appreciate it when you get home and the chore you were dreading the most was done by another family member. In fact, if you think about it, there are about a hundred things to appreciate every single day. 

I think for most of us it is easier to see those things which frustrate us, and it seems as if that number could climb to a million in the course of a day! Cultivating a sense of appreciation has a remarkable effect on our ability to successfully navigate the daily hurdles of life. 

Those who take the time to “smell the roses,” find their lives more enjoyable and their work more productive. Numerous studies have shown that those who focus on appreciation have better health and are more likely to live longer. 

One step at a time, turn your focus from the frustrations to the opportunities, from the negatives to the positives. Start out by taking a few minutes of your day to think about the many things you have to appreciate.

Before you know it the frustration count will drop and your quality of life will go up. This small conscious effort may have the biggest payoff in practical benefits for your mental and physical health of anything you can do.